ENABLING AUTOSTART FOR X11VNC ON KALI LINUX RASPBERRY PI TO INSTALL VNC check my last post INSTALL X11VNC ON KALI LINUX RASPBERRY PI O nce you've started the service, it'll run until you stop it or reboot. To Autostart it during BOOT , follow these steps. Create a file "sharex11vnc" in the directory /usr/local/bin Open a terminal, type cd /usr/local/bin this will take you to that directory. To create a file, type nano sharex11vnc Enter the following, #!/bin/sh x11vnc -ncache 10 -auth guess -repeat -nap -loop -forever -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd -desktop "VNC ${USER}@${HOSTNAME}"|grep -Eo "[0-9]{4}">~/.vnc/port.txt # comment this out if you dont want a pop up telling you which port you're using zenity --info --text="Your VNC port is 'cat~/.vnc/port.txt'" press Ctrl+x then press "y" then hit Enter . This will save the file. This script will run the x11vnc during boot. Once t...
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